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AllAboutBidet deals in exclusive range of electronic bio bi d et toilet seats. BioBidet-1000 Supreme, BB-1000 Supreme Elongated, BB-400 Harmony Electric

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Стварање: 04/09/2012 13:19
Ажурирати: 04/09/2012 14:00
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: Buy a Bidet Toilet - Improve your Hygiene Status - 04/09/2012 14:00

Bidet toilet is an attachable toilet seat that offers much more flexibility and versatility than the usual traditional option of using toilet paper for cleaning purposes after using the restroom. A bidet toilet is quite easy to install, all you need to do is simply attach it to your existing toilet seat. You will not need a plumber to attach it to your existing toilet and you can also remove it if you decide not to use it at times. A bidet toilet is most certainly a status symbol because your hands do not get dirty when you are done with using the restroom. It is a king like feeling once you start experiencing its benefits. Once your friends and other family members will start knowing the benefits you are assured with a single bidet toilet seat, they will surely envy you. A bidet toilet is environment friendly and cleans your unmentionable areas with a click of a button; a tissue as it is widely known harms the environment. Moreover a toilet paper is rough and unpleasant and never feels good. A fresh stream of flowing water will always feel amazing when you clean your anal and genital areas. Unlike traditional bidet seats, bidet toilets today can be fixed on your existing toilet seats. You can now easily use your extra space in the bathroom for any other purpose. There might have been events when you run out of toilet paper and are left utterly helpless; but there is no such problem with a bidet toilet as long as the tanker is not out of water. People hold a wrong notion when they think of buying a bidet toilet; the notion that a bidet toilet is expensive. If one thinks deeply the cheapest toilet paper costs at least $5 per roll and you end up spending nearly $250 per year on toilet papers. Investing $250 and a little more can permanently fix a bidet toilet on your toilet seat with no extra cost except that of batteries used for operating the toilet seat. In addition to being environment friendly, bidet toilets are environmental friendly. Your life is turned all around once you start using a bidet toilet. Easy installation, easy and convenient to use, saving your annual cost; what else can one ask for? It is always difficult to adapt any change in one’s life, people hesitate in coming out of their comfort zones; but certain changes are extremely essential especially when they assure a better life. Bidet toilet is that change which will definitely assure a better life for you and your family. Buy your own bidet toilet today at